Tax Collection 2018-19

Details of Collection and Budget Estimate for the year 2017-18 and 2018-19
Revised Budget Estimate 2016-17: Rs.35169.27 Crores
Revised Budget Estimate 2017-18: Rs.38945.26 Crores
Details of Collection 2017-18 ( Rs in crore)
Month GST Collection VAT Collection Grand Total
SGST IGST Adhoc settlement Compensation Total VAT LNG Non-VAT Total
Apr 0.00 0.00 0.00 1717.70 0.39 180.07 1898.16 1898.16
May 0.00 0.00 0.00 1542.36 0.25 1368.74 2911.35 2911.35
Jun 0.00 0.00 0.00 1563.04 28.43 1459.62 3051.09 3051.09
Jul 0.00 0.00 0.00 1449.69 35.23 1200.69 2685.61 2685.61
Aug 716.47 451.74 810.00 1978.21 132.66 44.98 1823.45 2001.09 3979.30
Sep 807.05 763.46 1570.51 60.29 31.83 1219.31 1311.43 2881.94
Oct 740.47 822.65 395.00 1958.12 62.25 30.80 1477.36 1570.41 3528.53
Nov 610.30 801.36 1411.66 48.19 29.90 1524.25 1602.34 3014.00
Dec 600.51 795.95 736.00 2132.46 60.58 23.25 1397.22 1481.05 3613.51
Jan 700.39 826.90 1527.29 66.94 18.69 1333.37 1419.00 2946.29
Feb 619.68 808.82 567.00 1995.50 31.98 19.31 1542.71 1594.00 3589.50
Mar 604.24 794.12 330.00 1728.36 84.88 20.09 2471.08 2576.05 4304.41
Total 5399.11 6065.00 736.00 2102.00 14302.11 6820.56 283.15 16997.87 24101.58 38403.69
Budget Estimate 2018-19: Rs.46795.68 Crores
Details of Collection 2018-19 ( Rs in crore)
Month GST Collection VAT Collection Grand Total
SGST IGST Adhoc settlement Compensation Total VAT LNG Non-VAT Total
Apr 693.64 802.07 1495.71 35.15 22.74 614.99 672.88 2168.59
May 661.80 785.97 67.00 1514.77 28.09 21.24 1196.56 1245.89 2760.66
Jun 682.47 879.89 1052.00 2614.36 20.67 25.51 2000.87 2047.05 4661.41
Jul 658.46 848.44 780.00 2286.90 30.1 25.28 1468.43 1523.81 3810.71
Aug 527.51 746.21 252.00 1525.72 13.51 27.51 1450.50 1491.52 3017.24
Sep 525.30 651.90 1033.00 2210.20 19.22 31.82 1664.29 1715.33 3925.53
Oct 793.50 1068.43 631.04 2492.97 15.82 23.07 1685.50 1724.39 4217.36
TOTAL 4542.68 5782.91 1935.04 1880.00 14140.63 162.56 177.17 10081.14 10420.87 24561.50
Collection (in crores)
Sl no Month 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 April 1754.96 1898.16 2168.59
2 May 2781.41 2911.35 2760.66
3 June 2835.98 3051.09 4661.41
4 July 2593.21 2685.61 3810.71
5 Aug 2701.95 3979.30 3017.24
6 Sept 3038.97 2881.94 3925.53
7 Oct 3028.50 3528.53 4217.36
8 Nov 2760.09 3014.00
9 Dec 2535.28 3613.51
10 Jan 2944.11 2946.29
11 Feb 2809.36 3589.50
12 Mar 4254.54 4304.41
Total 34038.36 38403.69 24561.50
Budget Estimate 35169.27 38945.26 46795.68

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Kerala GST - State Goods and Services Tax Department
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