VAT Notifications

No Date Subject
262 30/03/2011 “Recycled waste lubricating oil” as on environment friendly recycled product
SRO 311 12/05/2011 Amendment to SRO No.318/2005
305/2011 19/05/2011 Amendment to the Notification G.O.(P) No.47/2005/TD dated 31-03-2005 published as S.R.O. No. 319/2005 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 683 dated 31st March, 2005
388/2011 28/06/2011 Reduction in tax rate of Diesel – Amendment S.R.O No. 319/2005 published in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 683 dated 31-03-2005
466/2011 25/07/2011 Tax exemption on the sale of bronze articles effected by the Travancore Devaswom Board during the period from the 1st April, 2004 to the 31st March, 2005.
SRO 523 23/08/2011 exemption of sales tax payable on aviation turbine fuel for Air India.
582/2011 17/09/2011 further amendment to the Notification issued under G.O(P)No. 47/2005/TD dated 31st March, 2005 and published as S.R.O. No. 319/2005 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 683 dated 31st March, 2005
SRO 614 27/09/2011 Rescind rate of surcharge payable by the Kerala State Beverages Corporation vide SRO 499/2004
707 05/11/2011 Reduction in rate of tax on Petrol amending SRO No.319/2005
717/2011 16/11/2011 Re-fixation of rate of tax on Petrol
759/2011 28/11/2011 reduction in tax rate on the sale of high flash high speed diesel to foreign going vessels, other than fishing vessels, for use as bunker fuel, to half per cent.
753/2011 30/11/2011 Exclusion of all types of rubber latex including the centrifuged latex, which were covered by the notification published as S.R.O.No.804/2008, from the purview of the exemption.
762/2011 02/12/2011 KGST Act, 1963 – Restoration of revenue neuttal rate of tax on Petrol other than naphtha

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