Collection from Checkposts

Financial Year Advance Tax Security Deposit Entry Tax & Other Total
2006-07 68.48 8.39 137.77 214.64
2007-08 218.05 13.89 0.03 231.97
2008-09 245.89 16.19 0.19 262.27
2009-10 256.52 19.48 0.46 276.46
2010-11 245.58 23.01 0.67 268.27
2011-12 615.22 44.19 0.31 659.72
2012-13 882.69 42.32 0 925.01
2013-14 976.27 45.42 0.07 1021.76
2014-15 1050.15 43.25 0.21 1093.61
2015-16 1051.13 42.86 0.19 1094.18
2016-17 1004.36 32.07 0.47 1036.9
From 2017 GST was introduced & checkpost closed

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